Some people have properties more than they need and doesn’t make proper use of it.  These types of negative gearing properties give a very bad look as it is not maintained properly and some of them, if unattended for a long period give a ghostly look.

Timely maintenance of property is required otherwise it should be given on rent so that it is always attended to.  Vendor Finance, apart from buying and selling also helps in finding a renter for the properties that we would like to give on rent.  Since last few years, I used to take the help of these people to give my property on rent.  These people are very coordinative in nature and understand our requirements well.  We have to just inform our needs and they will do the rest.

I have never faced any problem with the renters they have brought for me and my property is always well maintained.  I am not at all worried about it anymore and cash is deposited in my account regularly.

I am happy that my property has never remained as a negative gearing one since the day I have got associated with Paul and Karen.

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